Information extraction and spatio-temporal evolution analysis of the coastline in Hangzhou Bay based on Google Earth Engine and remote sensing technology |
ZHU Lin1( ), HUANG Yuling1, YANG Gang1( ), SUN Weiwei1, CHEN Chao2, HUANG Ke1 |
1. Department of Geography and Spatial Information Techniques, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China 2. School of Geography Science and Geomatics Engineering, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou 215009, China |
Abstract The continuous monitoring of the dynamic changes in coastlines is crucial to ascertaining the change patterns and evolution characteristics of coastlines. Long-time-series coastline datasets allow for the detailed description of the dynamic changes in coastlines from the spatio-temporal dimensions and further reflect the effects of human activities and natural factors on coastal areas. Therefore, they are conducive to the scientific management and sustainable development of the spatial resources in coastal wetlands. Based on the Google Earth Engine (GEE), this study analyzed the change in the coastline of Hangzhou Bay during 1990—2019 based on long-time-series Landsat TM/ETM+/OLI images. Using the pixel-level modified normalized difference water index (MNDWI) time series reconstruction technology, this study achieved the automatic information extraction of long-time-series coastlines and the analysis of spatio-temporal changes by combining the Otsu algorithm threshold segmentation and the Digital Shoreline Analysis System. The results show that the total coastline length of Hangzhou Bay increased by about 20.69 km during 1990—2019, corresponding to an increase in the land area by about 764.81 km2, with an average annual increase rate of 0.35%. In addition, the average end point rate (EPR) and linear regression rate (LRR) of the coastline were 110.07 m/a and 119.06 m/a, respectively. The analysis of the spatio-temporal evolution of the coastline in Hangzhou Bay over 30 years will provide a basis for the sustainable development and comprehensive management of resources along the coastline in Hangzhou Bay.
Hangzhou Bay
Google Earth Engine
spatio-temporal evolution
Issue Date: 07 July 2023
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