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Remote Sensing for Land & Resources    2020, Vol. 32 Issue (1) : 148-153     DOI: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2020.01.20
Study and application of analytic hierarchy process of mine geological environment: A case study in Hainan Island
Yuling ZHAO
China Aero Geophysical Survey and Remote Sensing Center for Natural Resources, Beijing 100083, China
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Analytic hierarchy process (AHP), as a comprehensive safety evaluation method combined with qualitative analysis, has been used in many fields of safety and environmental science. Problems of environmental geology in mines are affected by many factors. This study focuses on the ecological environment evaluation of the mine by using data on land occupied and damaged by mines, according to the characteristics of mining combined with relevant information of Hainan Island. Ultimately, mining environmental grade is divided into four levels. Through field examination and verification, it is found that the theoretical value is very compatible with the actual situation. The results show that the weight calculated by this method is scientific and reasonable, and the evaluation is objective. This method is worth popularizing in mine environment evaluation.

Keywords AHP      weights      geology environment      evaluation     
:  TP79  
Issue Date: 14 March 2020
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Yuling ZHAO
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Yuling ZHAO. Study and application of analytic hierarchy process of mine geological environment: A case study in Hainan Island[J]. Remote Sensing for Land & Resources, 2020, 32(1): 148-153.
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评价系统A 评价因子P 分级
1级 2级 3级
自然地理C1 地形地貌P11 坡度为0°~20°的面积大于80% 其他 坡度为35°~90°的面积大于30%
降雨量P12 按年平均降雨量,划分为3级
植被覆盖度P13 植被覆盖度大于80% 植被覆盖度为30%~80% 植被覆盖度小于30%
区域重要程度P14 按照《矿山地质环境保护与治理恢复方案编制规范》,进行3级划分
基础地质C2 构造P21 断层长度小于50 m,褶皱不发育 其他 断层长度大于500 m,或者断层长度大于50 m且褶皱极其发育
岩性组合P22 硬质岩为主 软质岩为主 松散堆积物
边坡结构P23 顺坡 横向坡 逆坡
资源损毁C3 开采矿山密度P31 无开采矿山 开采矿山数量小于3 开采矿山数量大于等于3
开采强度P32 小于10万t/a 10~50万t/a 大于10万t/a
主要开采方式P33 无矿山 露天开采 地下开采
主要矿种P34 非金属矿或无矿山占地地区 能源矿 金属矿
占用土地比例P35 占地比例小于1% 占地比例1%~15% 占地比例大于15%
地质环境C4 地质灾害P41 0个 数量1~2个 数量大于等于3个
水体污染P42 轻微污染 严重污染
生态环境恢复治理P43 无矿山占地和地质灾害 ①矿山占地面积大于10%; ②有1个小型地质灾害 ①开采面、尾矿库面积大于10%; ②2个以上小型或1个以上大型地质灾害
Tab.1  Factors of mine geological environment
环境评价 自然地理 基础地质 资源损毁 地质环境 ωi
自然地理 1 2 0.125 0.166 7 0.067 7
基础地质 0.5 1 0.111 1 0.25 0.050 3
资源损毁 8 9 1 5 0.654 9
地质环境 6 4 0.2 1 0.227 1
Tab.2  Weight of standard layer matrix
自然地理 区域重
地形地貌 降雨量 植被覆
区域重要程度 1 5 4 4 0.583 4
地形地貌 0.2 1 1 0.5 0.111 2
降雨量 0.25 1 1 1 0.139 0
植被覆盖度 0.25 2 1 1 0.166 4
Tab.3  Weight of natural geography indicator layer matrix(C1-P)
基础地质 岩性组合 边坡结构 构造 ωi
岩性组合 1 0.333 3 0.25 0.122 0
边坡结构 3 1 0.5 0.319 6
构造 4 2 1 0.558 4
Tab.4  Weight of geology indicator layer matrix(C2-P)
资源损毁 开采
开采方式 1 5 3 2 5 0.407 6
开采矿山密度 0.2 1 0.25 0.25 1 0.065 5
开采强度 0.333 3 4 1 0.25 0.5 0.118 4
开采矿种 0.5 4 4 1 4 0.304 8
占用土地比例 0.2 1 2 0.25 1 0.103 6
Tab.5  Weight of the breakdown of resources indicator layer matrix(C3-P)
地质环境 地质灾害 恢复治理 污染 ωi
地质灾害 1 0.333 3 0.25 0.126
恢复治理 3 1 1 0.416 1
污染 4 1 1 0.457 9
Tab.6  Weight of geological environment indicator layer matrix(C4-P)
评价因子 ωi 评价因子 ωi
开采方式 0.267 0 地质灾害 0.028 6
开采矿种 0.199 7 构造 0.028 1
污染 0.104 0 边坡结构 0.016 1
恢复治理 0.094 5 植被覆盖度 0.011 3
开采强度 0.077 6 降雨量 0.009 4
占用土地比例 0.067 8 地形地貌 0.007 5
开采矿山密度 0.042 9 岩性组合 0.006 1
区域重要程度 0.039 5
Tab.7  Weights table of indicator layer (A-P)
等级 级别名称 对应分值区间
0级 无影响区 [0,40]
1级 一般影响区 (40,50]
2级 较重影响区 (50,60]
3级 严重影响区 (60,100]
Tab.8  Classification table of mining environment
Fig.1  Comprehensive evaluation map of mine geological environment of Hainan Island
Fig.2  Filedwork photos and remote sensing images of typical mine geological environment affected areas
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