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Remote Sensing for Land & Resources    2021, Vol. 33 Issue (1) : 183-190     DOI: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2020006
Gray correlation evaluation of geological environment in the open-pit coal mine concentration area based on remote sensing:A case study of the Zhungeer Coalfield
GAO Junhua1,2(), LIU Shasha1,2, YANG Jinzhong3, ZHAO Mingpeng1,2, LIU Xinyue1,2, ZOU Lianxue1,2
1. Hunan Provincial General Station of Geological Environment Monitoring, Changsha 410007, China
2. Hunan Natural Resources Affairs Center, Changsha 410004, China
3. China Aero Geophysical Survey and Remote Sensing Center for Natural Resources, Beijing 100083, China
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Satellite remote sensing technology has been used in China for more than ten years to obtain annual national mine geological environment remote sensing monitoring data. How to make full use of existing remote sensing monitoring results to carry out large-scale mining geological environmental assessment zoning is worthy of discussion and research. Therefore, the Zhungeer Coalfield was taken as the research area, and the artificial interpolation and hierarchical weighted improved gray correlation method was used to evaluate and analyze the geological environment of the 16 open-pit coal mines in the area, and the evaluation level divisions based on the mines were obtained. The evaluation conclusion is that the 3 mines of Huilong, Mengxiang and Liangjiaqi are severely affected by the environment, and the 5 mines of Tianciyuan, Weijiamao, Tingziyan, Liuhuliang and Heidaigou have relatively high environmental impacts. In the severe areas, 8 mines of Harwusu, Jinzhengtai, Zhaofu, Yongsheng, Cui’ergezui, Hongran, Huafu and Zhengren are general environmental impact areas, and other non-mine areas are the non-influenced areas. The evaluation results can reflect the geological environment status of the Zhungeer coalfield relatively objectively. Therefore, the gray correlation evaluation method of mine geological environment could be popularized and applied in a large area or even in whole China.

Keywords remote sensing      open pit coal mine      gray correlation method      mine geological environment evaluation     
ZTFLH:  TP79  
Issue Date: 18 March 2021
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Junhua GAO
Shasha LIU
Jinzhong YANG
Mingpeng ZHAO
Xinyue LIU
Lianxue ZOU
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Junhua GAO,Shasha LIU,Jinzhong YANG, et al. Gray correlation evaluation of geological environment in the open-pit coal mine concentration area based on remote sensing:A case study of the Zhungeer Coalfield[J]. Remote Sensing for Land & Resources, 2021, 33(1): 183-190.
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Fig.1  Schematic diagram of the mining area of Zhungeer Coalfield
县级行政区 矿山名称 开采规
准格尔旗 哈尔乌素 2 000 5 772.43 12
黑岱沟 2 000 5 033.39 11
魏家峁 600 5 259.32 8
汇隆 300 762.70 6
厅子堰 300 406.35 3
蒙祥 180 454.84 5
崔二圪咀 120 1 267.40 2
金正泰 120 958.42 5
召富 120 741.00 2
华富 120 651.29 2
宏燃 120 600.59 2
清水河县 永胜 60 522.91 3
天赐源 60 248.25 5
刘胡梁 60 168.00 2
河曲县 梁家碛 300 1695.36 6
偏关县 正仁 90 813.02 4
Tab.1  List of open-pit mining rights in Zhungeer Coalfield
Fig.2  Evaluation index system of mine geological environment
准则层要素 指标 权重 参评因子 因子等级
较轻 一般 较重 很重
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
土地压占损毁 压占面积/hm2 0.2 中转场地 未利用地 <1 [1,10) [10,20] >20
林地草地 <1 [1,2) [2,4] >4
耕地 0 (0,1) [1,2] >2
损毁面积/hm2 0.4 固体废弃物 未利用地 <1.33 [1.33,2.67) [2.67,5.33] >5.33
林地草地 <0.67 [0.67,1.33) [1.33,2.67] >2.67
耕地 0 (0,0.33) [0.33,0.67] >0.67
采场 未利用地 <1.33 [1.33,2.67) [2.67,5.33] >5.33
林地草地 <0.67 [0.67,1.33) [1.33,2.67] >2.67
耕地 0 (0,0.33) [0.33,0.67] >0.67
矿山建筑 未利用地 <1.33 [1.33,2.67) [2.67,5.33] >5.33
林地草地 <0.67 [0.67,1.33) [1.33,2.67] >2.67
耕地 0 (0,0.33) [0.33,0.67] >0.67
矿山地质灾害 灾害体积/104m3 0.4 崩塌 <1 [1,10) [10,100] >100
滑坡 <10 [10,100) [100,1 000] >1 000
泥石流 <2 [2,20) [20,50] >50
影响范围/hm2 0.6 地面塌陷 <10 [10,100) [100,1 000] >1 000
地裂缝 <0.3 [0.3,1) [1,2] >2
矿山环境污染 影响范围/hm2 0.8 水体污染范围 <1 [1,10) [10,100] >100
土壤污染范围 <0.1 [0.1,1) [1,10] >10
Tab.2  Evaluation index levels of mine geological environment
矿山名称 土壤污
排土场/hm2 排土场
哈尔乌素 26.88 126.85 4.72 38.47 650.85 NA 211.91 10.21 71.84 277.48 411.21
黑岱沟 20.50 194.47 NA NA 1 023.52 6 409.60 105.39 NA NA 875.54 186.05
魏家峁 56.75 226.04 NA NA 212.42 2 054.80 251.08 10.87 11.76 417.01 307.25
汇隆 3.37 39.47 NA NA 246.91 2 201.20 85.40 8.02 9.86 147.81 100.30
厅子堰 0.11 12.00 NA NA 70.44 700.80 9.49 15.13 10.75 68.44 NA
蒙祥 0.33 16.52 2.37 55.21 61.47 111.20 19.92 9.46 NA 89.92 NA
崔二圪咀 2.11 28.83 2.27 11.07 84.54 NA 73.13 NA NA 154.55 382.04
金正泰 NA NA NA NA 80.02 1 395.60 NA NA 9.13 215.75 NA
召富 NA NA 1.32 19.34 46.65 320.40 NA NA NA 64.88 NA
华富 NA NA NA NA 14.48 NA 0.99 NA 1.22 8.01 NA
宏燃 0.01 8.92 NA NA 72.49 295.20 1.55 4.32 NA 129.42 NA
矿山名称 土壤污
排土场/hm2 排土场平
永胜 0.18 9.26 NA NA 49.71 NA 19.53 1.10 1.35 8.26 8.75
天赐源 0.04 19.33 1.02 27.86 122.96 1 236.00 2.17 12.18 NA 111.59 30.09
刘胡梁 1.40 53.85 NA NA 92.48 150.00 25.92 3.74 3.90 90.88 NA
梁家碛 7.42 81.78 10.24 173.12 165.20 980.00 90.78 9.97 7.00 302.19 319.31
正仁 NA NA NA NA 4.64 NA 0.51 2.51 NA NA NA
Tab.3  Statistics of remote sensing monitoring results of the geological environment of Zhungeer Coalfield open-pit coal mine
矿山名称 平均值 标准差 矿山名称 平均值 标准差
哈尔乌素 0.774 7 0.118 9 召富 0.771 4 0.156 2
黑岱沟 0.787 4 0.173 6 华富 0.752 6 0.172 6
魏家峁 0.795 8 0.154 0 宏燃 0.756 9 0.149 1
汇隆 0.809 4 0.198 3 永胜 0.769 9 0.138 9
厅子堰 0.793 8 0.181 3 天赐源 0.797 7 0.189 0
蒙祥 0.807 7 0.126 2 刘胡梁 0.792 2 0.130 0
崔二圪咀 0.763 9 0.141 1 梁家碛 0.804 8 0.135 1
金正泰 0.771 7 0.175 8 正仁 0.750 9 0.169 5
Tab.4  Gray correlation evaluation results of the geological environment of Zhungeer Coalfield
Fig.3  Trend of ash-associated averages of mines in Zhungeer Coalfield
Fig.4  Zone map of geological environment assessment in Zhungeer Coalfield
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