Accuracy evaluation of the FY-3C/MWRI land surface temperature product in Hunan Province |
FAN Jiazhi1,2( ), LUO Yu1, TAN Shiqi3, MA Wen4, ZHANG Honghao5, LIU Fulai2( ) |
1. China Meteorological Administration Training Centre Hunan Branch, Changsha 410125, China 2. Key Laboratory of Hunan Province for Meteorological Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Changsha 410118, China 3. Hunan Meteorological Service Center, Changsha 410118, China 4. Yang Jiang Emergency Command Platform Techmology Center, Yangjiang 529500, China 5. Yangjiang Meteorological Bureau, Yangjiang 529500, China |
Abstract Land surface temperature (LST) retrieved from remote sensing plays an important role in climatology, hydrology, ecology and other fields, and microwave detection has the wide range and all-weather advantages. It is of great significance to verify the reliability of LST products from domestic satellite on a large scale. Based on the microwave LST product of Fengyun 3C combined with ground surface temperature observed from 97 meteorological stations in Hunan Province, the authors explored the accuracy of microwave inversion and its influencing factors. The results show that the mean absolute error, the root mean squared error, the coefficient of determination, the relative error between LST product and observed data is 6.54℃, 8.88℃, 0.57 and 0.29% respectively, the accuracy of ascending (nighttime) and the south is better than that of descending (daytime) and the north, and the worst consistency is around Dongting Lake. The LST product is of high precision in low temperature but with general underestimation, the accuracy is linearly correlated with the average temperature of each site, and in most cases it is comparable with MODIS products. The precision of LST product increases with the altitude, and varies with seasons, the time series fluctuation of ground temperature can be accurately captured at the sites with strong consistency. According to the analysis results, the inversion accuracy and applicability of LST product could be improved by modifying the retrieval algorithm in the future.
microwave radiation imager
remote sensing retrieval
land surface temperature
accuracy evaluation
Corresponding Authors:
LIU Fulai
E-mail: fjz92419@hotmail.com;Liufl10126@126.com
Issue Date: 18 March 2021
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