Abstract The survey and change monitoring of natural resources can provide an important guarantee for the implementation of systematic policies, protection, and rational utilization of resources and are of great significance for the building of the national land space planning system, the reform of the resource management system, the modernization of space governance capacity, and the construction of national ecological civilization. Western China is characterized by a vast area, insufficient basic land data, and unreliable land change monitoring. Therefore, there is an urgent need to provide efficient and accurate survey results at a low cost for such a large area. Based on the domestic high-resolution satellite (GF-6) images and the results of the third national land survey, this study carried out a demonstration of the application of the intelligent rural land survey to the areas subject to rapid development in western China in Xuyong County. To this end, remote sensing images with high spatial resolution and hyperspectral resolution were obtained through panchromatic and multispectral image fusion. Then, the fused data were used for the basic survey of land resources in Xuyong County. Subsequently, based on the object-oriented image classification and the results of the third national land survey, supervised classification of the remote sensing images was conducted, and areas with changes in land were automatically extracted, thus forming a new efficient land survey model for the areas subject to rapid development in western China. The survey results can provide strong support in terms of basic land information for the rapid development of specialty industries in western China and have a certain value in popularization and applications.
natural resource survey
supervised classification
change monitoring
Issue Date: 07 July 2023
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