Technology and Methodology |
A Study of Spatial Structure Analysis and Alteration Information Extraction Based on Random Models of Remote Sensing Data
ZHANG Yuan-fei 1,2, YUAN Ji-ming 1, ZHU Gu-chang 1, WU De-wen 1, LI Hong 1,3 |
1.China Non-ferrous Metals Resource Geological Survey, Beijing 100012, China; 2.Guilin Research Institute of Geology for Mineral Resources, Guilin 541004, China; 3.Centre South University, Changsha 408309, China |
Abstract Remote sensing image signals are random signals whose band data histograms and two-dimensional scatter plots are respectively the basic estimates of one-dimensional probability density function and two-dimensional probability density function of the random model. In this paper,the basic types and patterns of one-dimensional probability density and the geometric parameter characteristics of Gaussian distribution ellipses are discussed based on the random models of remote sensing data. Then,problems such as the spatial geometric structure characteristics of the two-dimensional scatter plots generated by different histograms and the positioning in abnormal information space are analyzed. At last,the importance and practicability of the spatial structure analysis of remote Sensing data in alteration information extraction are demonstrated by a case study.
Double edge
Dynamic change interpretation
Remote sensing image
Information extraction
Issue Date: 02 August 2011
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