Remote sensing analysis of impervious surface changes in Zhoushan Islands during 1990—2011 |
Xiaoping ZHANG1,2,3( ), Ying LYU1, Huaguo ZHANG2, Chaokui LI3 |
1. School of Land and Tourism, Luoyang Normal University, Luoyang 471934, China 2. State Key Laboratory of Satellite Ocean Environment Dynamics, Second Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Hangzhou 310012, China 3. National-Local Joint Engineering Laboratory of Geo-spatial Information Technology, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan 411201, China |
Abstract The expansion of impervious surfaces(IS)exacerbates the pollution of water resources in the island city, which is one of the important human factors affecting the vulnerability of island ecosystem. Landsat images acquired in three days of the same season were applied to monitor the dynamics of IS in Zhoushan Islands during 1990―2011. Firstly, the non-IS region was masked by the land use data set of the study area by supervised classification. Then, the complement of vegetation coverage was used to extract IS in 1990, 2000 and 2011. The results show that the IS expansions have occurred continuously over the past 20 years. The IS area in Zhoushan Islands increased from 47.96 km 2 (accounting for 6.28% of the total study area) in 1990 to 114.40 km 2 in 2011 (16.27%), and the increased IS were mostly located around the old city of Zhoushan Islands and along the periphery of surrounding islands. It is observed that the height of new IS was gradually changing to greater depth with time. The analysis indicates that the topography and the policy as well as the functions and transportation convenience are the dominant factors controlling the spatial patterns of IS and its expansions in Zhoushan Islands.
impervious surfaces(IS)
remote sensing
spatial analysis
Zhoushan Islands
Issue Date: 30 May 2018
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