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Remote Sensing for Natural Resources    2021, Vol. 33 Issue (4) : 72-81     DOI: 10.6046/zrzyyg.2021020
Multi-model and multi-scale scene recognition of shipbuilding enterprises based on convolutional neural network with spatial constraints
YU Xinli1(), SONG Yan1(), YANG Miao1, HUANG Lei2, ZHANG Yanjie2
1. School of Geography and Information Engineering, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China
2. National Satellite Ocean Application Service, Beijing 100081, China
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The scene recognition of shipbuilding enterprises is of practical significance for the restoration of the coastal ecological environment, the protection of water environment, and the promotion of the coordinated development of shipbuilding enterprises. However, it is difficult to realize the automatic recognition of shipbuilding enterprises from satellite remote sensing images based on traditional medium- and low-level features. Therefore, this paper proposes a multi-model multi-scale scene recognition method of shipbuilding enterprises based on a convolutional neural network with spatial constraints and the steps are as follows. Firstly, train multiple convolutional neural network models using the samples of global-scale shipbuilding enterprise scenes and local-scale docks (slipways), workshops, and ships individually, and conduct multi-model multi-scale detection. Then, locate local-scale objects at a pixel level and calculate the spatial distance of the objects. Finally, conduct comprehensive judgment and extraction of the shipbuilding enterprise scenes according to the multi-scale detection results, the combination method of object tags, and the spatial distance of objects. The method was applied to five typical shipbuilding intensive areas in Jiangsu Province, China, the surrounding areas of Nagasaki and Ehime prefectures, Japan, and Mokpo and Geoje cities, South Korea. As a result, the overall recognition accuracy and recall rate were 87% and 85%, respectively in Jiangsu Province, were 91% and 87%, respectively in the study area in Japanese, and were 85% and 92%, respectively in the study area in South Korean. The experimental results show that this method can realize the effective recognition of the complex scenes of shipbuilding enterprises based on remote sensing images.

Keywords satellite remote sensing      shipbuilding enterprises      convolutional neural networks      multi-scale      spatial distance constraint     
ZTFLH:  TP79  
Corresponding Authors: SONG Yan     E-mail:;
Issue Date: 23 December 2021
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Xinli YU
Yanjie ZHANG
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Xinli YU,Yan SONG,Miao YANG, et al. Multi-model and multi-scale scene recognition of shipbuilding enterprises based on convolutional neural network with spatial constraints[J]. Remote Sensing for Natural Resources, 2021, 33(4): 72-81.
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Fig.1  Internal structure diagram of the shipbuilding enterprise
船坞(台) 是指修造船的专用场地,坞式或台式建筑物,主要分布在水陆交界的位置
船只 位于船坞(台)内或停靠在码头附近,从内部纹理可以明显看出还未构建完整,正在舾装、涂装
厂房 蓝色、灰色或白色的矩形建筑,排列整齐,有规则纹理,比普通房屋面积大,周围存在材料堆放
Tab.1  Interpretation marks within the shipbuilding enterprise
Fig.2  Residual learning unit
Fig.3  Multi-model detection process
Fig.4  Multi-model and multi-scale shipbuilding enterprise recognition process
Fig.5  Local object spatial relationship constraints
Fig.6  Scene recognition process of shipbuilding enterprise
样本类型 船企场景 船坞(台) 厂房 船只
样本数量/个 1 032 1 104 1 300 1 008
Tab.2  Number of samples
指标 船企场景 船坞(台) 厂房 船只
精确度 99.5 96.3 98.8 97.8
召回率 100 99.2 99.4 98.4
虚警率 0.5 3.7 1.2 2.2
漏警率 0 0.8 0.6 1.6
Tab.3  Network training results(%)
Fig.7  Display of the results of the study area in Jiangsu Province
Fig.8  Display of results of the study area in Japan
Fig.9  Display of results of the study area in Korea
基础网络 AlexNet VGG16 ResNet50
精确度 46.63 42.36 87
召回率 73.17 69.92 85
虚警率 53.37 57.64 13
漏警率 26.83 30.08 15
Tab.4  Recognition results of shipbuilding enterprises in Jiangsu Province based on different basic network models(%)
Fig.10  Final recognition results of the distribution of shipbuilding enterprises in Jiangsu Province
正检结果 大型船企 中型船企 滩涂船厂
错检结果 港口码头 沿海工厂 其他
漏检结果 中型船企 小型船企 滩涂船企
Tab.5  Detailed results in Jiangsu Province
Fig.11  The recognition results of shipbuilding enterprises in Japan study area
正检结果 大型船企 中型船企 小型船厂
错检结果 沿海工厂 沿海工厂
漏检结果 中型船企 小型船企 小型船企
Tab.6  Detailed display of recognition results of shipbuilding enterprises in Japanese research areas
正检结果 大型船企 中型船企 小型船厂
错检结果 港口码头 沿海工厂 其他
漏检结果 小型船企 小型船企
Tab.7  Detailed display of recognition results of shipbuilding enterprises in Korean research areas
Fig.12  The recognition results of shipbuilding enterprises in Korea study area
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