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Remote Sensing for Land & Resources    2020, Vol. 32 Issue (4) : 84-89     DOI: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2020.04.12
Remote sensing image urban built-up area extraction and optimization method based on PSPNet
LIU Zhao(), LIAO Feifan, ZHAO Tong
Institute of Transportation Engineering and Geospatial Information, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084,China
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Using high-resolution satellite remote sensing images to extract the boundary of the built-up area is of great significance for urban expansion monitoring and urban development planning. In order to obtain high-precision and high-resolution built-up area data, this study uses the NDBI index and artificial visual interpretation methods to construct remote sensing image datasets of urban built-up areas and uses traditional machine learning methods and four deep learning methods including PSPNet semantic segmentation network to extract the built-up area of Sentinel-2 images. The training results show that the PSPNet network has the highest accuracy for the built-up area extraction (IOU of the training set is 79.5%). This paper employs Overlapsize method to optimize the extraction results of PSPNet, which further improves the accuracy of the built-up area extraction. The IOU on the training set reaches 80.5%, and the IOU on the test set reaches 83.1%. Compared with the traditional machine learning method, the method of PSPNet + Overlapsize has practical application significance in built-up area extracting.

Keywords built-up area extraction      deep learning      convolutional neural network      semantic segmentation      PSPNet      Overlapsize     
:  TP79  
Issue Date: 23 December 2020
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Zhao LIU
Feifan LIAO
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Zhao LIU,Feifan LIAO,Tong ZHAO. Remote sensing image urban built-up area extraction and optimization method based on PSPNet[J]. Remote Sensing for Land & Resources, 2020, 32(4): 84-89.
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Fig.1  Basic structure of PSPNet
Fig.2  Training extraction flow chart
Fig.3  Partial city images and annotated data
Fig.4  Training results
Fig.5  Method schematic of Overlapsize
Fig.6  Extraction results of built-up area before and after using Overlapsize
Fig.7  Comparison of improvement effects
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