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Remote Sensing for Natural Resources    2023, Vol. 35 Issue (1) : 1-14     DOI: 10.6046/zrzyyg.2021433
A review of pansharpening methods based on deep learning
HU Jianwen(), WANG Zeping, HU Pei
School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha 410114, China
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With the fast development and wide application of remote sensing technology, remote sensing images with higher quality are needed. However, it is difficult to directly acquire high-resolution, multispectral remote sensing images. To obtain high-quality images by integrating the information from different imaging sensors, pansharpening technology emerged. Pansharpening is an effective method used to obtain multispectral images with high spatial resolution. Many scholars have studied this method and obtained fruitful achievements. In recent years, deep learning theory has developed rapidly and has been widely applied in pansharpening. This study aims to systematically introduce the progress in pansharpening and promote its development. To this end, this study first introduced the traditional, classical pansharpening methods, followed by commonly used remote sensing satellites. Then, this study elaborated on the pansharpening methods based on deep learning from the perspective of supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and semi-supervised learning. After that, it described and analyzed loss functions. To demonstrate the superiority of the pansharpening methods based on deep learning and analyze the effects of loss functions, this study conducted remote sensing image fusion experiments. Finally, this study presented the future prospects of the pansharpening methods based on deep learning.

Keywords remote sensing image      pansharpening      deep learning      convolutional neural network     
ZTFLH:  TP391.4  
Issue Date: 20 March 2023
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Jianwen HU
Zeping WANG
Pei HU
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Jianwen HU,Zeping WANG,Pei HU. A review of pansharpening methods based on deep learning[J]. Remote Sensing for Natural Resources, 2023, 35(1): 1-14.
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卫星名称及图像 波段数 空间分辨率/m 光谱范围/nm 重访周期/d
GaoFen-1 PAN 1 2 450~900 4
MS 4 8 蓝光: 450~520,绿光: 520~590,
红光: 630~690,近红外: 770~890
GaoFen-2 PAN 1 1 450~900 5
MS 4 4 蓝光: 450~520,绿光: 520~590,
红光: 630~690,近红外: 770~890
GeoEye-1 PAN 1 0.46 450~800 3
MS 4 1.84 蓝光: 450~510,绿光: 510~580,
红光: 655~690,近红外: 780~920
IKONOS PAN 1 1 526~929 3
MS 4 4 蓝光: 445~516,绿光: 506~595,
红光: 632~698,近红外: 757~853
QuickBird PAN 1 0.61 405~1 053 1~6
MS 4 2.44 蓝光: 430~545,绿光: 466~620,
红光: 590~710,近红外: 715~918
WorldView-2 PAN 1 0.5 450~800 1.1
MS 8 2 蓝光: 450~510,绿光: 510~580,
红光: 630~690,近红外: 770~895,
海岸: 400~450,黄色: 585~625,
红色边缘: 705~745,近红外2: 860~1 040
WorldView-3 PAN 1 0.31 450~800 1
MS 8 1.24 蓝光: 445~517,绿光: 507~586,
红光: 626~696,近红外: 765~899,
海岸: 397~454,黄色: 580~629,
红色边缘: 698~749,近红外2: 857~1 039
Tab.1  Basic parameters of common satellites
Fig.1  Classification of pansharpening based on deep learning
Fig.2  Pansharpening based on supervised learning
方法类别 主要网络结构 特点
残差学习方法 采用残差连接,提高了信息的流通,避免了由于网络过深所引起的梯度消失问题和退化问题
密集连接方法 密集网络作为基础网络,采用密集连接来加强信息的传递
注意力机制方法 采用注意力机制自适应调节重要信息,提高特征提取的准确率
双分支网络方法 采用2个分支分别提取全色图像和多光谱图像的特征,然后利用融合网络融合所提取的特征
金字塔网络方法 利用金字塔网络对输入图像从低空间分辨率到高空间分辨率(或从高空间分辨率到低空间分辨率)提取不同尺度特征
编码-解码网络方法 由编码器和解码器构成的对称网络,编码器提取不同尺度特征,解码器还原各尺度信息
两阶段网络方法 2个阶段都有着各自任务,发挥不同作用
多尺度卷积核方法 采用多个大小不同的卷积核对图像分别进行特征提取以获得不同感受野的特征信息
Tab.2  Comparison among pansharpening methods based on supervised learning
Fig.3  Pansharpening based on generative dversarial network
GS 0.816 8 6.711 1 4.580 6 0.827 3 0.820 7 0.867 7
BDSD 0.853 8 8.081 8 4.733 2 0.830 7 0.858 3 0.896 5
GLP 0.866 9 6.432 2 4.125 0 0.849 9 0.872 1 0.800 4
PNN 0.931 1 5.089 0 2.979 8 0.930 6 0.929 5 0.913 0
PanNet 0.938 2 4.847 9 2.851 7 0.935 1 0.935 9 0.929 0
DCCNP 0.935 1 5.076 3 2.951 5 0.935 8 0.933 6 0.915 2
RSIFNN 0.934 7 5.132 3 2.917 3 0.930 1 0.933 4 0.928 8
TFNet 0.941 6 4.613 7 2.774 3 0.943 1 0.939 9 0.918 6
MSDCNN 0.935 1 4.939 9 2.891 9 0.936 3 0.933 2 0.928 7
NLRNet 0.943 3 4.360 2 2.929 6 0.948 3 0.939 9 0.943 3
MDCNN 0.941 6 4.365 5 2.706 3 0.947 9 0.940 1 0.948 8
SDS 0.948 3 4.348 1 2.596 9 0.951 7 0.946 4 0.955 6
Tab.3  Comparison of pansharpening methods
融合网络 类别 损失函数 Q SAM ERGAS SCC QN QNR
PNN 空间损失 MSE 0.931 1 5.089 0 2.979 8 0.930 6 0.929 5 0.913 0
MAE 0.929 1 5.133 6 3.033 7 0.928 7 0.927 6 0.895 6
SSIM 0.821 6 15.413 1 9.500 0 0.923 6 0.675 7 0.814 5
MSE+SSIM 0.938 1 5.131 1 2.984 0 0.931 0 0.934 6 0.932 9
MAE+SSIM 0.937 2 5.066 7 2.964 4 0.930 9 0.934 8 0.926 6
光谱损失 SAM 0.566 2 4.712 8 8.928 9 0.503 4 0.539 0 0.641 0
空谱损失 MSE+SAM 0.878 7 5.088 3 3.594 5 0.916 6 0.877 6 0.867 1
MAE+SAM 0.928 1 5.061 6 3.035 3 0.928 3 0.927 1 0.900 7
MSE+SAM+SSIM 0.937 7 5.015 0 2.977 7 0.931 4 0.933 9 0.928 2
MAE+SAM+SSIM 0.934 1 5.146 0 3.020 2 0.925 5 0.931 5 0.923 4
Tab.4  Performance comparison of different loss function
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