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Remote Sensing for Natural Resources    2023, Vol. 35 Issue (3) : 80-87     DOI: 10.6046/zrzyyg.2022164
A performance evaluation method for semantic segmentation models of remote sensing images considering surface features
LIU Li1,2(), DONG Xianmin1,2(), LIU Juan1
1. The Third Geographical Information Mapping Institute of Natural Resources Ministry, Chengdu 610100, China
2. Key Laboratory on Digital Mapping and Land Information Application, Natural Resources Ministry, Chengdu 610100, China
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Deep semantic segmentation has been widely applied in land monitoring and interpretation based on remote sensing images. However, existing quality evaluation methods cannot reflect the preserved spatial geometric features of semantic segmentation results. Based on the practical demand for remote sensing image interpretation, surveying, and mapping, this study proposed a method for the performance evaluation of semantic segmentation models for remote sensing images considering geoscience features: the connectivity similarity index (CSIM). From the perspective of the connectivity similarity of surface feature spots in remote sensing images, the CSIM method embedded the surface features into the performance evaluation system of semantic segmentation models. The CSIM method allows for quantitatively evaluating the connectivity similarity of spots between the semantic segmentation results of remote sensing images and the actual sample labels, thus accurately describing the preserved spot integrity in the predicted classification results. Therefore, the CSIM method can objectively determine the applicability of a pre-training model to remote sensing image interpretation in surveying and mapping production. As substantiated by a lot of practice, the CSIM method can monitor and control the model training in real time, effectively guide the selection of the optimal pre-training model, and accurately evaluate the quality of remote sensing image interpretation results considering geoscience features. Therefore, the CSIM method is critical for deep-learning-enabled remote sensing image interpretation, surveying, and mapping.

Keywords model performance evaluation      semantic segmentation      geoscience feature      remote sensing interpretation      deep learning     
ZTFLH:  TP79  
Issue Date: 19 September 2023
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Xianmin DONG
Juan LIU
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Li LIU,Xianmin DONG,Juan LIU. A performance evaluation method for semantic segmentation models of remote sensing images considering surface features[J]. Remote Sensing for Natural Resources, 2023, 35(3): 80-87.
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指标 意义
准确率 正确预测的样本占总样本的比例
精确率 “正确被预测为正”占所有“实际被预测为正”的比例
召回率 “正确被预测为正”占所有“应该被预测为正”的比例
Tab.1  Common evaluation indicator
Fig.1  Comparison chart between real label and predicted labels
指标 图1(b) 图1(c) 图1(d)
准确率 0.78 0.78 0.78
精确率 1 1 1
召回率 0.56 0.56 0.56
Tab.2  Evaluation results of predicted labels
Fig.2  Comparison of model performance evaluation methods
Fig.3  Connected map spots
Fig.4  Spatial intersection relation
Fig.5  Spatial calibration diagram
Fig.6  Dynamic connected area regularity
Fig.7  Test image and real label
参数 数值
样本数量/个 20 000
样本大小/像素 256×256
通道 RGB 3通道
网络模型 Res-UNet
批尺寸/个 16
预设训练时期/次 200
Tab.3  Experimental parameters of model training
Fig.8  Evolution of model training evaluation indicator
Fig.9  Comparison of connected map spots in predicted label by models in different periods
Fig.10  CSIM evaluation value of target model set
Fig.11  Predicted label of local area of test image in different periods
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