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Remote Sensing for Natural Resources    2023, Vol. 35 Issue (2) : 97-104     DOI: 10.6046/zrzyyg.2022158
Mask R-CNN-based intelligent identification of sparse woods from remote sensing images
DIAO Mingguang1(), LIU Yong1, GUO Ningbo1, LI Wenji2, JIANG Jikang1, WANG Yunxiao1
1. School of Information Engineering, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China
2. China Aero Geophysical Survey and Remote Sensing Center for Natural Resources, Beijing 100083, China
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There are only a few low-accuracy methods available for the feature extraction of sparse woods from remote sensing images. Moreover, there is a lack of datasets for intelligent identification. This study proposed a method for intelligent information identification of sparse woods from remote sensing images. First, a dataset was created using QGIS and Python separately to provide data support for model training. Then, feature maps were generated through feature extraction, and then regions of interest (ROIs) were extracted from the feature maps. Subsequently, these ROIs were filtered through pooling operations (ROI align) to reduce the memory consumption caused by too many ROIs in the images. Experiments show that the method proposed in this study can create datasets quickly and facilitate the identification of sparse woods from remote sensing images. Moreover, the Mask R-CNN-based intelligent identification has a target detection mean average precision (MAP) of up to 0.92.

Keywords remote sensing image      sparse woods      deep learning      Mask R-CNN      QGIS     
ZTFLH:  TP751  
Issue Date: 07 July 2023
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Mingguang DIAO
Yong LIU
Ningbo GUO
Wenji LI
Jikang JIANG
Yunxiao WANG
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Mingguang DIAO,Yong LIU,Ningbo GUO, et al. Mask R-CNN-based intelligent identification of sparse woods from remote sensing images[J]. Remote Sensing for Natural Resources, 2023, 35(2): 97-104.
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Fig.1  Remote sensing image sparse woods dataset generation process
键名 说明
version LabelMe的版本号 可自动获取
flags 标志 可为空
shape_label 标签名,通常为类别名+编号 获取矢量信息中的类别,同一类别累加计数
shape_line_color 线条颜色 可为空
shape_fill_color 填充颜色 可为空
shape_points 掩模各个顶点的相对坐标 计算图斑上各点与矩形框左上角的坐标差
shape_type 掩模形状类型 point(点)、line(线)、polygon(多边形)
lineColor 线条颜色 可为空
fillColor 填充颜色 可为空
imagePath 原图路径 裁剪后影像的路径
imageData 64位值 图像转换
imageHeight 原始图像的高度 图像信息中获取
imageWidth 原始图像的宽度 图像信息中获取
Tab.1  Mapping relationship of JSON data and vector data
数据集生成方法 数据源 数据量/
人工制作方法 自然资源林地遥感影像 9 156 1 008
矿山遥感监测实例分割数据集自动生成方法 自然资源林地遥感影像 9 156 96
遥感影像疏林地数据集自动生成方法 自然资源林地遥感影像 9 156 7.5
Tab.2  Performance comparison of different dataset generation methods
Fig.2  Framework for intelligent recognition model of remote sensing image sparse woods
Fig.3  ResNet-FPN network architecture
Fig.4  Bilinear interpolation calculation process
Fig.5  Conversion effect of remote sensing image sparse woods intelligent recognition model result
Fig.6  Framework of intelligent identification method for sparse woods from remote sensing image
Fig.7  Remote sensing data local image and vector data of sparse woods
Fig.8  Loss function graph
Fig.9  Experimental recognition results
Fig.10  Experimental verification set accurate recall curve
Fig.11  Validation set experimental results
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