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Remote Sensing for Natural Resources    2022, Vol. 34 Issue (2) : 30-36     DOI: 10.6046/zrzyyg.2021140
A remote sensing method for judging the cross-border mining of oil and gas mines
ZHAO Yuling(), YANG Jinzhong, SUN Yaqin, CHEN Dong
China Aero Geophysical Survey and Remote Sensing Center for Natural Resources, Beijing 100083, China
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Cross-border mining is a difficult and hot topic in the current supervision of oil and gas mines. Based on the judgement and interpretation of superficial and surface engineering, such as well sites, station sites, oil wells, gas wells, metering plants, gas gathering stations, gathering and transportation stations, patrol roads, and oil and gas pipelines within a single mining right, this study proposed for the first time that the combined information of superficial and surface engineering allow for quickly clarifying the accumulation and flow direction of oil and gas and accurately identifying and determining the production sites belonging to the same mining right and the cross-border sites. This method has been applied to a certain oil field as the test area and has been proved effective.

Keywords oil and gas mines      cross-border mining      GIS      RS     
ZTFLH:  TP79  
Issue Date: 20 June 2022
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Yuling ZHAO
Jinzhong YANG
Yaqin SUN
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Yuling ZHAO,Jinzhong YANG,Yaqin SUN, et al. A remote sensing method for judging the cross-border mining of oil and gas mines[J]. Remote Sensing for Natural Resources, 2022, 34(2): 30-36.
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Fig.1  Flow chart of cross border mining monitoring
Fig.2  Sketch map of oil and gas mine development status on remote sensing interpretation
要素名称 描述 遥感图像 野外照片
游梁式抽油机” “游梁式抽油机”以其“磕头机”的特殊阴影形状在高分影像上容易识别。另外抽油机井场内一般有储油罐和水套炉等配套设备,储油罐在高分影像也容易识别
要素名称 描述 遥感图像 野外照片
非游梁式抽油机 抽油机分布在井场中,影像上为柱状特征,如果太阳角较低时,可以看到较长的拖影。有些井场中还会有其他采油气配套设备
钻井 钻井在遥感影像上分布在方形井场中,表现为高大的塔状物,在高分影像上,钻井的阴影形状清晰可见,非常容易识别。周边有临时简易房、泥浆池和其他钻井附属设备
注水井 注水井在影像上一般与抽油机同时分布在井场,但注水井不太容易识别,表现为一短小的灰黑色图斑,与采油井相比注水井容易被忽略。相较于采油树单侧连接输油管线,注水井两侧均可见输水管线,一侧管线为进水管,一侧管线为出水管。大多数情况下,需要到实地验证才能确认
采天然气井(树) 采气树较“螺杆泵式抽油机”和注水井,目标稍大,在高分影像上一般能显示短小的阴影,其井场通常色调较亮,井场内通常伴有储油气罐等设备,而注水井井场通常没有。一般需要实地验证,来甄别采气井与注水井
…… ……
井场 井场一般为规则的矩形或多边形,多为裸土硬化地或砾石硬化地,色调较亮,浅褐黄色,边缘清晰较易识别。井场中有抽油机(采气树)、泥浆池等设施。在该影像中,井场基本上呈矩形,场地内纹理均匀平滑,中间褐色圆点为采油树,与一条较短的线状输油管线相连
集油间(集气站) 在遥感影像上为浅褐黄色,处于平坦的人工场地中,可见较多的矿山建筑,往往多数集输站内置有储油罐(呈圆形凸起),可见到运输车辆
联合站 联合站规模较大,高分影像上,联合站通常呈规则的矩形,色调呈灰黑色,显示水泥硬化面的色调。联合站内设施较复杂,有颜色不同、大小不一的罐体,通常罐体以灰色和绿色为主,灰色为储油罐、绿色为储水罐,不同颜色的罐体是识别联合站的主要标志。另外有分离器等设备
计量间 从影像上看,计量间为呈矩形的小房屋,显著的影像特征为房屋四周可见多条输油管线向房屋处汇聚。在其房屋东侧有一条比较宽的硬化道路
油气区道路 高分影像上采油区道路多为线性特征,长条带形,颜色呈灰黑色或土黄色,显示砾石硬化路面或裸土硬化路面的特征。连接正在开采井场的采油区道路纹理较均匀,色调单一,而连接废弃井场的采油区道路纹理较粗糙,色调杂,显示杂草和砾石、裸土相间的色调
输油气管线 遥感影像上,输油气管线影像特征为平直的线状特征,颜色为浅灰褐色,宽度明显比油气区道路窄。输油气管线从井场开始输出,一般呈鸡爪状或放射状汇聚于计量间或集油间。戈壁地区的埋管一般都会呈明显凸出地表的拱形,影像上可见明显的长条形条带
Tab.1  Interpretation marks of oil and gas mines
Fig.3  Remote sensing interpretation map of cross boundary exploitation of oil and gas mines in the experimental area
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