Technology and Methodology |
A Method for Automatic Extraction of Debris Flow Based on SPOT5 Image |
XIE Fei, YANG Shu-wen, LI Yi-kun, LIU Tao |
School of Mathematics, Physics & Software Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, China |
Abstract Based on achievements obtained by previous researchers,the authors put forward a method for automatically extracting debris flow based on SPOT5 image and DEM data. Firstly,this method uses integrated computing of three indices of remote sensing,i.e., the index of vegetation,the soil brightness index and the first principal component of the image after KL transformation,for the acquisition of a new principal component transformed image,and then extracts the bare land information containing debris flow by using automatic threshold selection algorithm. Secondly,on the basis of the DEM data at the scale of 1:10 000,the valley central lines are extracted by using the improved valley line extraction algorithm,and the valley range is figured out by using the mathematical morphology filtering algorithm. Finally,the suspicious debris flow pattern is matched with the valley range pattern, and the vectorized result is screened in the aspects of area and slope. On such a basis, the information of existing or potential debris flows is obtained. The experimental results show that the extraction model of debris information from SPOT5 image can accurately and effectively extract the debris flow information.
Virtual Globe
geological disaster
remote sensing
interpretation marks
Issue Date: 20 August 2012
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