Technology and Methodology |
Selection of best-fitting scale parameters in image segmentation based on multiscale segmentation image database |
ZHANG Tao1, YANG Xiaomei2, TONG Liqiang1, HE Peng1 |
1. China Aero Geophysical Surveying and Remote Sensing Center for Land and Resources, Beijing 100083, China;
2. State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China |
Abstract Finding the best-fitting parameters in image segmentation is of great importance for object-oriented information extraction. The try-and-error strategy and visual analysis on multiresolution segmentation are widely used in real practice, but they cannot analyze a large number of segmentation results. This paper proposes a procedure for picking segmentation parameters based on multiresolution segmentation image database and visual analysis. The experiment of multiresolution segmentation on SPOT5 image shows that the proposed procedure is capable of finding the best fitting parameters. The procedure is more efficient and effective than the traditional try-and-error strategy, and there is good potential for the procedure to be used in practical image analysis application.
remote sensing
time spreading
evaporation ratio
time integration method
sinusoid method
crop coefficient method
canopy resistance
Issue Date: 20 October 2016
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