Impacts of floating solar parks on spatial pattern of land surface temperature |
BO Yingjie1,2( ), ZENG Yelong3, LI Guoqing1( ), CAO Xingwen4, YAO Qingxiu2 |
1. School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Ludong University, Yantai 264025, China 2. School of Ocean Sciences, China University of Geosciences(Beijing), Beijing 100083, China 3. State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China 4. State Key Laboratory of Desert and Oasis Ecology, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi 830011, China |
Abstract With the rapid development of China’s photovoltaic industry in recent years, the assessment of the impacts of the large-scale solar parks on the environment is greatly significant for guiding the healthy development of the photovoltaic industry. The changes in the local thermal environment induced by solar parks have attracted the attention of researchers at home and abroad. Floating solar parks (also known as floating-on-water solar parks) serve as a new development mode of photovoltaic power generation in recent years. However, their impacts on the spatial pattern of land surface temperature(LST) are currently unclear. Using the single-channel algorithm, this study extracted the LST dataset of the floating solar park in Huainan City and its adjacent areas from Landsat8 time-series remote sensing data. Then, this study determined the differences between monthly LST and air temperature of the corresponding month (LSTs-a) and analyzed the influencing mode and scopes of floating solar parks on the spatial pattern of LST, as well as their seasonal differences. Finally, this study ascertained the influencing degrees of different construction stages on LST in the construction area. The results are as follows. ① The construction of the floating solar park significantly changed the thermal environment of the construction area, and warming effect occurred during both summer and winter when the temperature changes the most appearantly. Moreover, the warming effect mainly concentrated with 200 m of the construction area, while being very weak in typical surrounding land cover. ② During the construction and the completion phases of the floating solar park, the average monthly LST in the construction area was generally higher than that of the water body and was close to that in the forest. The average annual LST increased by 3.26 ℃ and 4.50 ℃, respectively in the construction and the completion phases. ③ This study can serve as a reference for the related research on assessing the impacts of the floating solar parks on the local environment. The authors recommended conducting an in-depth study from the aspects of the construction of cloudless time-series LST datasets, the separation of the increased/decreased amplitude of the temperature induced by floating solar parks, and the influencing scope and degrees and the genesis analysis of the distribution pattern of LST on the different types of land cover in a floating solar park and its adjacent areas.
environmental impact assessment
land surface temperature (LST)
solar photovoltaic power generation
Corresponding Authors:
LI Guoqing
E-mail: yingjiebo@foxmail.com;ligqing@foxmail.com
Issue Date: 14 March 2022
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