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Remote Sensing for Natural Resources    2022, Vol. 34 Issue (3) : 27-32     DOI: 10.6046/zrzyyg.2021271
Classification of hyperspectral images based on deep Transformer network combined with spatial-spectral information
ZHANG Pengqiang(), GAO Kuiliang(), LIU Bing, TAN Xiong
Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou 450001, China
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The local convolution operation in convolutional neural networks cannot fully learn the global semantic information in hyperspectral images. Given this, this study designed a novel deep network model based on Transformer in order to further improve the classification precision of hyperspectral images. Firstly, this study reduced the dimensionality of hyperspectral images using the principal component analysis method and selected the neighborhood data around pixels as input samples to fully utilize the spatial-spectral information in the images. Secondly, the convolutional layer was used to transform the input samples into sequential characteristic vectors. Finally, image classification was conducted using the designed deep Transformer network. The multi-head attention mechanism in the Transformer model can make full use of the rich discriminative information. Experimental results show that the method proposed in this study can achieve better classification performance than the existing convolutional neural network model.

Keywords hyperspectral image classification      Transformer      deep learning      self-attention mechanism     
ZTFLH:  TP751  
Corresponding Authors: GAO Kuiliang     E-mail:;
Issue Date: 21 September 2022
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Pengqiang ZHANG
Kuiliang GAO
Bing LIU
Xiong TAN
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Pengqiang ZHANG,Kuiliang GAO,Bing LIU, et al. Classification of hyperspectral images based on deep Transformer network combined with spatial-spectral information[J]. Remote Sensing for Natural Resources, 2022, 34(3): 27-32.
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Fig.1  Basic structure of Transformer
Fig.2  Multi-head attention mechanism
Fig.3  Proposed network model
Fig.4  Classification of Salinas dataset
Fig.5  Classification of Indian Pines dataset
序号 类名称 SVM SSDCNN 3D-
1 椰菜_绿_野草_1 99.20 98.90 98.75 100 91.74
2 椰菜_绿_野草_2 99.62 89.43 99.25 98.12 100.00
3 休耕地 99.70 100 99.14 99.70 100.00
4 粗糙的休耕地 99.50 99.93 99.50 99.86 100.00
5 平滑的休耕地 96.75 96.56 99.74 99.81 99.81
6 残株 99.42 99.97 99.62 100 99.87
7 芹菜 99.36 97.18 98.21 99.55 100.00
8 未结果实的葡萄 84.75 77.61 89.57 88.24 100.00
9 正在开发的葡萄园土壤 99.10 99.11 99.98 99.50 99.98
10 开始衰老的玉米 93.29 99.69 95.01 98.66 99.82
11 长叶莴苣(4周) 97.85 99.91 95.78 100 100.00
12 长叶莴苣(5周) 99.84 100 99.79 99.95 99.95
13 长叶莴苣(6周) 98.58 99.89 100.00 99.45 99.89
14 长叶莴苣(7周) 95.79 99.53 97.99 100 100.00
15 未结果实的葡萄园 65.74 96.68 82.12 91.98 96.40
16 葡萄园小路 98.89 99.34 99.43 99.45 100.00
OA/% 91.20 93.61 94.67 96.12 99.13
AA/% 95.46 97.11 97.12 98.39 99.22
Kappa 0.902 0 0.929 1 0.940 7 0.956 9 0.990 3
Tab.1  Classification results of Salinas dataset
序号 类名称 SVM SSDCNN 3D-
1 免耕玉米 75.78 88.38 93.07 94.05 99.64
2 少耕玉米 71.12 94.34 96.27 99.04 97.42
3 草-牧场 89.10 97.52 98.55 98.96 100.00
4 草-树 96.15 99.86 97.12 99.59 97.73
5 堆积干草 99.79 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
6 免耕大豆 69.98 92.49 96.81 97.02 98.37
7 少耕大豆 89.22 87.17 91.85 91.28 99.59
8 大豆 79.79 99.33 97.47 99.33 97.85
9 树木 99.68 96.36 98.42 99.21 98.98
OA/% 84.57 92.81 95.41 96.12 98.96
AA/% 85.62 95.05 96.62 97.61 98.84
Kappa 0.820 9 0.915 9 0.946 3 0.954 7 0.987 8
Tab.2  Classification results of Indian Pines dataset
Fig.6  Influence of the number of training samples on classification accuracy
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