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Remote Sensing for Natural Resources    2022, Vol. 34 Issue (2) : 128-135     DOI: 10.6046/zrzyyg.2021219
Lightweight DeepLabv3+ building extraction method from remote sensing images
WANG Huajun(), GE Xiaosan()
School of Surveying and Mapping and Land Information Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454003, China
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Fast extraction of buildings with high accuracy from remote sensing images is an important research of remote sensing intelligent application services. To address the problems of imprecise segmentation of building edge in remote sensing images, holes in large-scale target segmentation, and a large amount of network parameters in the DeepLab model, a lightweight DeepLabv3+ model for building extraction from remote sensing images is proposed. In this method, the lightweight network MobileNetv2 is used to replace Xception, the backbone network of DeepLabv3+, so as to reduce the number of parameters and improve the training speed; The hole rate of hole convolution in ASPP is optimized to improve the effect of multi-scale semantic feature extraction. The improved model has been tested on WHU and Massachusetts data sets. The results show that the IOU and F1 score in WHU dataset are 82.37% and 92.89%, respectively, 2.71 percentage points and 2.14 percentage points higher than those of DeepLabv3+, 2.04 percentage points, and 2.32 percentage points higher than those of DeepLabv3+ in Massachusetts data set. The number of training parameters and training time is reduced, and the accuracy of the building extraction is effectively improved, which can meet the requirements of fast extraction of high-precision buildings.

Keywords deep learning      semantic segmentation      improved ASPP      DeepLabv3+      MobileNetv2     
ZTFLH:  TP79  
Corresponding Authors: GE Xiaosan     E-mail:;
Issue Date: 20 June 2022
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Huajun WANG
Xiaosan GE
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Huajun WANG,Xiaosan GE. Lightweight DeepLabv3+ building extraction method from remote sensing images[J]. Remote Sensing for Natural Resources, 2022, 34(2): 128-135.
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Fig.1  Xception network structure in DeepLabv3+
Fig.2  The network structure of this method
Fig.3  Standard convolution and depth separable convolution
Fig.4  MobileNetv2 network structure
输入 操作 扩张
2242×3 卷积层 32 1 2
1122×32 瓶颈层 1 16 1 1
1122×16 瓶颈层 6 24 2 2
562×24 瓶颈层 6 32 3 2
282×32 瓶颈层 6 64 4 2
282×64 瓶颈层 6 96 3 1
142×96 瓶颈层 6 160 3 2
72×160 瓶颈层 6 320 1 1
72×320 1×1卷积层 1 280 1 1
72×1 280 7×7平均池化层 1
1×1×k 1×1卷积层 k
Tab.1  Network structure and parameters of MobileNetv2
Fig.5  ASPP structure of in this paper
Fig.6  Example images of WHU and Massachusetts datasets
项目 配置
CPU Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10200H CPU @
2.40 GHz
GPU NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Ti
RAM 16 G
操作系统 64位Windows10
开发语言 Python 3.7
深度学习框架 Tensorflow-GPU 1.13.1
Tab.2  Computer configuration
数据集 模型 IoU/% F1分
WHU U-Net 77.28 88.23 10.53
SegNet 77.15 89.14 15.64
PSPNet 78.23 89.53 11.32
DeepLabv3+ 79.66 90.75 10.65
本文方法 82.37 92.89 6.15
Massachusetts U-Net 71.25 82.11 12.88
SegNet 71.87 83.84 17.32
PSPNet 72.15 82.26 13.55
DeepLabv3+ 74.58 84.43 12.72
本文方法 76.62 86.75 7.35
Tab.3  Building extraction evaluation results
数据集 序号 原始图像 标签 U-Net SegNet DeepLabv3+ 本文方法
Tab.4  Building extraction results of WHU and Massachusetts dataset
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