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Remote Sensing for Land & Resources    2019, Vol. 31 Issue (4) : 137-142     DOI: 10.6046/gtzyyg.2019.04.18
Remote sensing monitoring of vegetation coverage by GF-1 satellite: A case study in Xiamen City
Jida PENG, Chungui ZHANG()
Fujian Meteorological Science Institute, Fuzhou 350001, China
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Forests have an important impact on global environmental change, especially in the carbon cycle. The demand of sensing monitoring for meteorological disasters, especially typhoon and flood, has become increasingly important. Traditional sensing monitoring of low and medium resolution can hardly meet the requirement. High resolution satellite has the advantage of high spatial resolution in vegetation monitoring. In this paper, the characteristics and pretreatment methods of GF-1 satellite images were studied in detail. The methods of radiation calibrater, atmospheric correction, ortho-rectification and calculating vegetation coverage were described in this paper. Finally, there was a case study of vegetation eco-environmental monitoring in Xiamen City. Researches show that most part of Xiamen belongs to high or higher vegetation coverage area, and the vegetation coverage in Haicang, Jimei, Xiangan and Tongan inland areas is significantly better than that in coastal areas. In the island of Xiangan, the vegetation coverage is better in the southern part than in the northern part.

Keywords GF-1 satellite      image pretreatment      vegetation coverage      vegetation monitoring     
:  TP79  
Corresponding Authors: Chungui ZHANG     E-mail:
Issue Date: 03 December 2019
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Chungui ZHANG
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Jida PENG,Chungui ZHANG. Remote sensing monitoring of vegetation coverage by GF-1 satellite: A case study in Xiamen City[J]. Remote Sensing for Land & Resources, 2019, 31(4): 137-142.
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类型 谱段号 谱段范
全色相机 1 0.45~0.90 2 60 ±35° 4
8 m宽幅多光谱相机 2 0.45~0.52 8 60 ±35° 4
3 0.52~0.59
4 0.63~0.69
5 0.77~0.89
16 m宽幅多光谱相机 6 0.45~0.52 16 800 ±35° 2
7 0.52~0.59
8 0.63~0.69
9 0.77~0.89
Tab.1  Technical specifications of GF-1 satellite
参数 指标
轨道类型 太阳同步回归轨道
轨道高度 645 km
轨道倾角 98.050 6°
降交点地方时 10: 30AM
回归周期 41 d
Tab.2  The orbit parameterofGF-1 satellite
Fig.1  Technical flowchart of vegetation coverage
Fig.2  Simultaneous observations at different sitesof GF-1 satellite
卫星载荷 绝对辐射定标系数
Pan B1 B2 B3 B4
GF-1 PMS1 0.122 8 0 0.142 4 0 0.117 7 0 0.119 4 0 0.113 5 0
GF-1 PMS2 0.136 5 0 0.146 0 0 0.124 8 0 0.127 4 0 0.125 5 0
GF-1 WFV1 / 0.216 5 0 0.168 5 0 0.135 4 0 0.150 7 0
GF-1 WFV2 / 0.209 7 0 0.163 0 0 0.133 9 0 0.152 1 0
GF-1 WFV3 / 0.187 0 0 0.161 9 0 0.129 5 0 0.138 3 0
GF-1 WFV4 / 0.177 0 0 0.152 1 0 0.132 2 0 0.134 9 0
Tab.3  the absolute calibration coefficients of GF-1 satellite for 2017
Fig.3  True color map of GF-1-WFV1 in Xiamen
Fig.4  Theclass map of vegetation coverage in Xiamen
像元数/个 面积/km2 所占植被覆盖总
83 697 21.43 1.6
较低 779 192 199.47 15.3
828 621 212.13 16.2
较高 766 330 196.18 15.0
2 642 288 676.43 51.8
Tab.4  Statistics of vegetation coverage at different grades
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