Technology Application |
UAV imagery data processing for emergency response based on PhotoScan Pro |
ZHAO Yunjing, GONG Xucai, DU Wenjun, ZHOU Li |
Yunnan Basic Surveying and Mapping Technology Center, Kunming 650034, China |
Abstract Due to irregular flight route, low image quality and unstable flight attitude, it is really difficult to perform UAV imagery data processing using traditional photogrammetric software. For emergency response, a stable,highly automatic and time-efficient software solution is always highly demanded. In this paper, the authors present a UAV imagery solution for emergence using Agisoft PhotoScan Pro software to offer orthomosaic and dense point cloud service. It is held that this method can provide timely and effective scientific image for emergence, as shown by several emergency response practical applications.
land surface temperature
split-window algorithm
Issue Date: 23 July 2015
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