Abstract The addition of meteorological factors to the estimation of near-ground atmospheric particulate concentration based on AOD is one of the most popular techniques nowadays. In this paper, AOD (Aerosol Optical Depth), FMF (Fine-Mode Fraction) and PM2.5mass concentration data from March 2014 to February 2019 in Nanjing were obtained, and the mass concentration of PM2.5 in Nanjing was retrieved in combination with the meteorological simulation data from WRF (Weather Research and Forecast) model. The results show that, compared with correlation between AOD and PM2.5, the correlation analysis of fine aerosol optical depth AODf and PM2.5 obtained by FMF correction can obtain a higher fitting coefficient, and the maximum R2 reaches 0.40. By adding meteorological factors on different heights into random forest model to establish an inversion model for PM2.5 mass concentration, the obtained fitting coefficients and various error indicators are better than those from models with only near-surface meteorological factors, which indicates that the PM2.5 mass concentration is affected by the combined effect of multiple factors, thus the result can provide a basis and reference for inversion of PM2.5 mass concentration by using multi-source data.
WRF model
mass concentration estimation
Corresponding Authors:
ZHA Yong
E-mail: 347128908@qq.com;yzha@njnu.edu.cn
Issue Date: 21 July 2021
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