Dynamic monitoring of urban black-odor water bodies based on GF-2 image |
HU Guoqing1( ), CHEN Donghua1,2, LIU Congfang3, XIE Yimei1, LIU Saisai2, LI Hu1( ) |
1. College of Geography and Tourism, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241000, China 2. College of Computer and Information Engineering, Chuzhou University, Chuzhou 239000, China 3. College of Geography Science and Tourism,Xinjiang Normal University, Urumqi 830001, China |
Abstract At present, the remote sensing identification of urban black-odor water bodies is in the preliminary stage of algorithm; due to the influence of water depth, shadow and other factors, the accuracy is low in practical applications, and there is little research on the long-term dynamic monitoring of black-odor water bodies. In this study, the Jiujiang District of Wuhu was chosen as a research area to analyze the causes and apparent characteristics of black-odor water bodies. For single-band threshold method, band difference method, normalized index method and slope index method, threshold correction was performed based on GF-2 images, the accuracy was evaluated, combined with the visual interpretation of the black-odor water bodies for dynamic monitoring at the same time. The results are as follows: ① The occurrence of black and odor in the water body is usually accompanied by features such as color abnormality, river siltation, and secondary environmental problems. ②The band difference method has the best recognition effect in the single recognition algorithm, and the total accuracy is 87.5%. ③ The high spatial resolution feature of GF-2 improves the efficiency and accuracy of visual interpretation, which can effectively reduce the interference of water depth and building shadows on its remote sensing recognition; compared with the use of a single algorithm, it further improves the recognition accuracy and reliability of dynamic monitoring. ④ The four GF-2 images from 2014 to 2020 were used to extract the areas of black-odor water bodies in the main urban area of Jiujiang District, which are 0.313 km2, 0.152 km2, 0.069 km2, and 0.008 km2 respectively. The results show that the black and odor phenomenon in the water body of Jiujiang District has been gradually improved, but the black and odor phenomenon in the water system of Shenshan Park is still serious.
black-odor water bodies
dynamic monitoring
Corresponding Authors:
E-mail: 2221001119@qq.com;lihu2881@aliyun.com
Issue Date: 18 March 2021
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