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Remote Sensing for Natural Resources    2022, Vol. 34 Issue (4) : 272-279     DOI: 10.6046/zrzyyg.2021379
Urban expansion and carbon emission effect of the urban agglomeration in south-central Liaoning Province
XING Zihan1,2(), LI Xiaoyan1(), SHI Zhenyu1, GULINAER·Suoerdahan 1, WU Haitao3
1. College of Earth Science, Jilin University, Changchun 130061, China
2. Key Laboratory of Wetland Ecology and Environment, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Science, Changchun 130102, China
3. Guaizi Lake Weather Station of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Alxa 735408, China
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In this study, the urban expansion of the urban agglomeration in south-central Liaoning Province from 2000 to 2016 was analyzed using the nighttime light remote sensing data. The spatial relationship between urban expansion and carbon emission was quantitatively studied based on the carbon emission data. The spatial-temporal differences of carbon emissions in the study area were analyzed. Moreover, decoupling analysis was made targeting urban expansion index and carbon emissions. The results are as follows. The annual average expansion rate of the study area increased from 3.93% to 5.48%, with the expansion intensity increased from 0.211 to 0.525. The total carbon emission in the study area increased from 63.694 billion tons to 177.246 billion tons during 2000—2016. The annual average carbon emission rate increased from 7.02% to 18.96% and then decreased to 0.96%, experiencing a process from fast to slow. The average local carbon emission showed an increasing trend but varied greatly among cities. The urban expansion of the study area contributed to but also decoupled with carbon emission. The decoupling state changed from expansion negative decoupling to weak decoupling. By 2016, 80% of the cities in the study area had been in the decoupling state. The study results have significant implications for formulating future urban planning and energy conservation and emission reduction policies.

Keywords nighttime light data      urban expansion      carbon emissions      urban agglomeration in south-central Liaoning Province     
ZTFLH:  TP79  
Issue Date: 27 December 2022
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Articles by authors
Zihan XING
Xiaoyan LI
Zhenyu SHI
Haitao WU
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Zihan XING,Xiaoyan LI,Zhenyu SHI, et al. Urban expansion and carbon emission effect of the urban agglomeration in south-central Liaoning Province[J]. Remote Sensing for Natural Resources, 2022, 34(4): 272-279.
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Fig.1  Assimilation diagram of DMSP/OLS and NPP/VIIRS data
Fig.2  Fitting diagram of carbon emission data and nighttime light index in 2010
Fig.3  Expansion process of built-up area in UASCL from 2000 to 2016
城市 2000—2005年 2005—2010年 2010—2016年
速率/% 强度 速率/% 强度 速率/% 强度
沈阳市 7.43 0.130 6.58 0.158 7.12 0.227
大连市 1.20 0.021 11.74 0.219 1.74 0.052
鞍山市 0.30 0.004 2.50 0.037 2.40 0.040
抚顺市 1.61 0.016 1.49 0.016 1.15 0.013
本溪市 12.24 0.097 0.19 0.002 0.31 0.004
营口市 9.83 0.107 2.50 0.041 15.49 0.284
辽阳市 3.16 0.051 2.27 0.042 0.85 0.018
铁岭市 4.00 0.011 0.95 0.003 4.17 0.014
丹东市 0.40 0.001 0.78 0.003 8.18 0.028
盘锦市 2.04 0.024 2.22 0.029 9.17 0.135
UASCL 3.93 0.211 4.90 0.314 5.48 0.525
Tab.1  Urban expansion rate and intensity index of UASCL during 2000—2016
Fig.4  Average annual carbon emission rate of cites in UASCL
城市 2000年 2005年 2010年 2016年
沈阳市 1 479.65 1 837.11 3 928.22 4 624.62
大连市 862.73 1 448.51 1 887.75 2 338.81
鞍山市 787.66 980.50 2 175.83 2 062.23
抚顺市 370.42 523.64 1 371.91 1 413.79
本溪市 384.31 519.37 1 039.84 1 145.87
营口市 1 048.05 1 416.70 2 657.47 2 337.02
辽阳市 1 310.74 1 718.48 3 210.05 3 155.16
铁岭市 438.96 549.20 1 466.07 1 638.23
丹东市 94.14 175.72 331.78 448.74
盘锦市 1 723.93 2 093.86 2 889.49 4 991.46
UASCL 726.67 981.84 1 912.51 2 158.61
Tab.2  Carbon emission of per unit land in UASCL(t/km2)
区域 2000年 2005年 2010年 2016年
城市区 154.06 154.45 227.66 245.16
城市发展区 40.23 65.79 101.69 104.53
Fig.5  Carbon emission rates in developed and developing urban areas
时间段 扩张速率/% 年平均碳排
2000—2005年 3.93 7.02 0.21
2005—2010年 4.90 18.96 0.18
2010—2016年 5.48 0.96 0.06
2000—2016年 6.12 11.14 0.26
Tab.4  Cooperative expansion index of urban expansion and carbon emission in UASCL during 2000—2016
Fig.6  Decoupling index of carbon emission and built-up area expansion in UASCL during 2000—2016
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