Abstract Timely and accurate acquisition of the spatial pattern evolution of land use can effectively support urban ecological environment protection and scientific management. In this study, the spatial characteristics of land use in multiple periods were extracted using a convolutional neural network. Then, they were combined with multiple spatial driving factors to build the long short-term memory network - cellular automata (LSTM-CA) model. Based on the data of land use classification, terrain, and urban traffic of the Zhangjiakou central urban area in 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, and 2015, this study investigated the simulation methods for urban land use in 2020. By comparison with the precision of the multi-layer perceptron - cellular automata (MLP-CA) model, the proposed method has a Kappa coefficient of over 0.90 and FoM of 0.39. All indices are better than those of the MLP-CA model. Therefore, the LSTM-CA model can fully explore the internal relationships between the changes in historical land use and effectively improve the simulation precision.
land use
long short-term memory
cellular automata
change simulation
Issue Date: 27 December 2022
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