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Remote Sensing for Natural Resources    2023, Vol. 35 Issue (3) : 190-200     DOI: 10.6046/zrzyyg.2022162
Analysis and optimization of the spatio-temporal coordination between the ecological services and economic development in the Dongting Lake area
YANG Yujin(), YANG Fan(), XU Zhenni, LI Zhu
School of Architecture and Art, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China
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Economic development is frequently accompanied by the decreased quality and dysfunctional service capacity of the ecological environment. Clarifying the relationship and spatial differences between ecology and economy is a prerequisite for sustainable regional development. Based on the remote sensing images and socio-economic data of the Dongting Lake area in 2000, 2010, and 2020, this study calculated the ecosystem service values using the value equivalent method. Furthermore, it determined the coordination and consistency indices of ecosystem services and economy in 24 districts and counties in the Dongting Lake area. Then, this study comprehensively explored the relationship between ecological services and the economy, as well as their spatial aggregation, proposing targeted optimization measures for coordinating and balancing regional ecological services and economic development. The results are as follows: ① The total ecosystem service value of the Dongting Lake area decreased from 261.541 billion yuan in 2000 to 255.646 billion yuan in 2020. The spatial distribution of ecosystem service values presented a circular layer pattern, with high values occurring in the center, followed by the peripheral mountains, while the lowest values present in adjacent hills and plains. ② As for individual ecological service values, hydrological regulation contributed the most significantly, while the nutrient cycle maintenance contributed slightly. Additionally, the values of ecological services, except for biodiversity and aesthetic landscape, decreased to varying degrees during the study period. Among them, the hydrological regulation presented the most significant reduction in the ecological service values, accounting for more than 70% of the total reduction. ③ Regarding the spatio-temporal variations in the ecological services and economic development, the Dongting Lake area showed relatively stable ecological differences and expanded economic gaps. Districts and counties in the Dongting Lake area showed high coordination degrees but low consistency levels between ecology and economy. The ecological and economic spatial aggregations exhibited significant differences, with dominant ecological aggregation zones mainly distributed within and along Dongting Lake. ④ The critical driving factors in the spatial differences in ecological service values include human disturbance, elevation, slope, temperature, and precipitation. Therefore, to promote the harmonious development of ecology and economy in the Dongting Lake area and weaken the gap between both, it is necessary to propose feasible measures for strictly protecting the natural basement, strengthening human-guided utilization, and promoting the transformation from ecological resources into economic products.

Keywords land use      ecological service value      economic development      coupled coordinate      Dongting Lake area     
ZTFLH:  TP79  
Issue Date: 19 September 2023
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Yujin YANG
Zhenni XU
Zhu LI
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Yujin YANG,Fan YANG,Zhenni XU, et al. Analysis and optimization of the spatio-temporal coordination between the ecological services and economic development in the Dongting Lake area[J]. Remote Sensing for Natural Resources, 2023, 35(3): 190-200.
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Fig.1  Geographic location of Dongting Lake area
生态系统服务 土地利用类型
耕地 林地 草地 湿地 未利用地 水域 建设用地
食物生产 1 922.40 701.11 859.43 1 153.44 0.00 1 809.32 0.00
原材料供应 904.66 1 605.77 1 266.52 1 130.83 0.00 520.18 0.00
水资源供给 45.23 836.81 701.11 5 857.68 0.00 18 749.09 0.00
气体调节 1 515.31 5 314.88 4 455.45 4 297.14 45.23 1 741.47 0.00
气候调节 814.19 15 899.41 11 783.21 8 141.95 0.00 5 179.18 -8 752.59
净化环境 226.17 4 500.69 3 890.04 8 141.95 226.17 12 552.17 -6 490.94
水文调节 610.65 7 938.40 8 639.51 54 799.82 67.85 231 231.27 -10 245.28
土壤保持 2 329.50 6 468.32 5 427.96 5 224.42 45.23 2 103.34 3 731.73
维持养分循环 271.40 497.56 407.10 407.10 0.00 158.32 0.00
生物多样性 294.01 5 880.29 4 930.40 17 799.20 45.23 5 767.21 0.00
美学景观 135.70 2 578.28 2 171.19 10 697.61 22.62 4 274.52 4 704.24
总计 9 069.22 52 221.54 44 531.92 117 651.12 452.33 284 086.07 -17 052.85
Tab.1  ESV coefficients per unit area in the Dongting Lake area
Fig.2  Spatial layout of drivers for heterogeneity of ESV
年份 统计量 耕地 林地 草地 湿地 未利用地 水域 建设用地
2000年 面积/km2 17 153.85 21 103.9 787.08 1 626.37 0.46 4 035.42 881.79
占比/% 37.63 46.29 1.73 3.57 0.00 8.85 1.93
2010年 面积/km2 16 933.75 21 075.51 743.27 1 683.55 0.51 4 130.29 1 020.74
占比/% 37.15 46.23 1.63 3.69 0.00 9.06 2.24
2020年 面积/km2 16 644.74 20 965.75 721.20 1 948.92 13.59 3 876.43 1 419.44
占比/% 36.51 45.99 1.58 4.27 0.03 8.50 3.11
Tab.2  Types of land use and their variations in the Dongting Lake area
Fig.3  Types of land use and their variations in the Dongting Lake area
年份 土地利用类型 2000年
草地 耕地 建设用地 林地 湿地 水域 未利用地
2020年 草地 659.79 14.69 1.03 41.67 0.93 2.49 0.00
耕地 11.96 15 634.26 98.20 502.95 189.61 206.28 0.01
建设用地 6.54 406.79 740.18 230.42 6.01 29.38 0.05
林地 66.33 579.67 16.86 20 244.17 3.40 48.30 0.07
湿地 36.17 74.02 3.23 3.39 1 262.30 569.71 0.00
水域 4.93 439.86 22.02 69.67 162.74 3 176.46 0.00
未利用地 0.54 2.31 0.21 6.19 1.28 0.93 0.33
Tab.3  Land use transfer matrix in the Dongting Lake area from 2000 to 2020
生态系统服务类型 ESV/亿元 ESV变化量/亿元
2000年 2010年 2020年 2000—2010年 2010—2020年 2000—2020年
食物生产 57.63 54.16 53.46 -3.47 -0.70 -4.17
原材料供应 54.34 54.16 53.46 -0.19 -0.70 -0.89
水资源供给 104.17 106.22 101.52 2.05 -4.70 -2.65
气体调节 155.68 155.41 153.80 -0.27 -1.61 -1.88
气候调节 385.20 383.80 376.13 -1.41 -7.67 -9.08
净化环境 160.10 160.50 154.90 0.41 -5.60 -5.20
水文调节 1 198.01 1 220.92 1 155.38 22.91 -65.54 -42.63
土壤保持 201.01 201.10 200.28 0.08 -0.82 -0.73
维持养分循环 16.78 16.72 16.53 -0.05 -0.20 -0.25
生物多样性 185.24 186.36 187.31 1.12 0.95 2.07
美学景观 97.24 98.72 101.01 1.47 2.29 3.76
总计 2 615.41 2 641.29 2 556.46 25.88 -84.83 -58.95
Tab.4  Dongting Lake area’s single ecosystem service value and its change
Fig.4  Spatial distribution of ESV in the Dongting Lake area
Fig.5  Spatial distribution of ESV and GDP in the Dongting Lake area
指数 2000年 2010年 2020年
重心坐标 ESV 经度/(°) 112.45 112.44 112.42
纬度/(°) 29.09 29.09 29.09
GDP 经度/(°) 112.27 112.15 112.18
纬度/(°) 29.06 29.02 29.07
CV ESV 0.733 6 0.729 7 0.694 4
GDP 0.466 9 0.665 9 0.699 5
Tab.5  Coefficient of variance and gravity center coordinate of ESV and GDP
岳阳市 岳阳楼区 -0.006 7 0.196 5
岳阳县 -0.008 5 1.672 1
云溪区 -0.010 1 0.489 1
华容县 -0.000 9 0.790 9
君山区 -0.018 6 0.505 4
临湘市 0.002 9 2.001 8
汨罗市 0.001 1 0.952 3
平江县 0.000 9 3.117 4
湘阴县 -0.001 8 1.667 4
常德市 安乡县 0.004 3 0.197 9
鼎城区 0.001 6 1.301 3
汉寿县 0.006 3 3.276 0
津市市 0.008 3 0.381 7
澧县 0.004 8 0.973 6
临澧县 -0.000 7 0.476 8
石门县 0.003 6 2.185 3
桃源县 0.000 8 1.503 4
武陵区 -0.010 3 0.161 7
益阳市 安化县 0.001 1 0.809 6
赫山区 -0.005 9 0.434 6
南县 0.000 9 1.323 3
桃江县 -0.001 8 1.147 3
沅江市 -0.007 1 1.954 1
资阳区 0.000 5 0.506 5
Tab.6  EEH and CEE in the Dongting Lake area
X11 X12 X13 X14 X15 X21 X22 X23 X24 X25
q 0.20 0.19 0.11 0.01 0.19 0.44 0.01 0.04 0.19 0.07
Tab.7  Value of determinant(q)about factor detection for spatial heterogeneity of ESV
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