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Remote Sensing for Natural Resources    2023, Vol. 35 Issue (2) : 220-229     DOI: 10.6046/zrzyyg.2022131
Analysis of landscape ecology risk of the Yellow River basin in Inner Mongolia
HUA Yongchun1(), CHEN Jiahao1, SUN Xiaotian2, PEI Zhiyong2()
1. College of Forestry, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010019, China
2. College of Energy and Transportation Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010018, China
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The Inner Mongolia reach of the Yellow River basin is suffering severe degradation as an ecological barrier at present. Analyzing its landscape pattern and ecological risk is of great significance for promoting the high-quality development of this reach. Based on the land use data of 1980, 2000, and 2020 of the study area, this study analyzed the spatial distribution and spatio-temporal evolution of the ecological risks by calculating the regional landscape pattern index and the ecological risk index. The results show that: ① During 1980—2020, the land in the study area was dominated by grassland, which accounted for more than 50%. In this period, the areas of cultivated land, grassland, water areas, and unused land decreased by 578 km2, 1 911 km2, 383 km2, and 255 km2, respectively. By contrast, the areas of forest land and construction land increased by 1 055 km2 and 2 072 km2, respectively. In terms of land use types, the land in the study area mainly shifted from grassland, cultivated land, and water areas to construction land and forest land. The comprehensive land use intensity during 2000—2020 was 0.85 percentage points higher than that during 1980—2000; ② During 1980—2020, the patch number of all types of land decreased except for water areas and unused land; the degree of landscape fragmentation of all types of land increased except for construction land; the degree of landscape disturbance of all types of land decreased except for forest land; the degree of landscape loss of all types of land did not change significantly except for construction land, for which the degree of landscape loss decreased significantly; ③ The ecological risk value of the Inner Mongolia reach of the Yellow River basin showed a downward trend during 1980—2020. Areas with fairly low and low ecological risks increased by 9 000 km2 in total and were primarily concentrated in the northern and central areas in this period. In contrast, areas with high and fairly high ecological risks decreased by 1 350 km2 in total and were scattered on the eastern and northern edges.

Keywords Yellow River basin in Inner Mongolia      land use      ecological landscape index      ecological risk assessment     
ZTFLH:  TP79  
Issue Date: 07 July 2023
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Yongchun HUA
Jiahao CHEN
Xiaotian SUN
Zhiyong PEI
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Yongchun HUA,Jiahao CHEN,Xiaotian SUN, et al. Analysis of landscape ecology risk of the Yellow River basin in Inner Mongolia[J]. Remote Sensing for Natural Resources, 2023, 35(2): 220-229.
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Fig.1  Location map of study area
Fig.2  Land use distribution of each year in the study area
Fig.3  Area statistics of various land types in the study area over the years
土地利用类型 1980—2000年 2000—2020年
耕地 -0.07 -0.06
林地 0.07 0.75
草地 -0.01 -0.10
水域 -0.47 0.00
建设用地 0.34 2.30
未利用地 0.09 -0.13
综合土地利用 0.09 0.94
Tab.1  Dynamic degree of various types of land use in the study area from 1980 to 2000 and 2000 to 2020(%)
用地类型 耕地 林地 草地 水域 建设用地 未利用地
面积/km2 比例/% 面积/km2 比例/% 面积/km2 比例/% 面积/km2 比例/% 面积/km2 比例/% 面积/km2 比例/%
耕地 20 077 93.7 31 0.1 871 4.1 66 0.3 95 0.4 276 1.3
林地 19 0.3 6 250 97.7 113 1.8 3 0 6 0.1 6 0.1
草地 558 0.7 125 0.2 80 498 97.4 118 0.1 118 0.1 1 251 1.5
水域 225 5.4 24 0.6 192 4.6 3 473 84.0 13 0.3 206 5.0
建设用地 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 713 100 0 0
未利用地 222 0.7 54 0.2 794 2.5 89 0.3 18 0.1 30 250 96.3
Tab.2  Transfer area and proportion of land use types in the study area from 1980 to 2000
用地类型 耕地 林地 草地 水域 建设用地 未利用地
面积/km2 比例/% 面积/km2 比例/% 面积/km2 比例/% 面积/km2 比例/% 面积/km2 比例/% 面积/km2 比例/%
耕地 10 471 49.6 925 4.4 6 066 28.7 601 2.8 1 886 8.9 1 152 5.5
林地 673 10.4 2 697 41.6 2 487 38.4 105 1.6 233 3.6 289 4.5
草地 6 298 7.6 3 007 3.6 59 820 72.5 1 306 1.6 2 169 2.6 9 868 12.0
水域 546 14.6 104 2.8 1 274 34.0 999 26.6 149 4.0 677 18.1
建设用地 1 547 39.0 177 4.5 1 145 28.9 117 3.0 763 19.3 214 5.4
未利用地 1 303 4.1 542 1.7 9 965 31.2 622 1.9 585 1.8 18 972 59.3
Tab.3  Transfer area and proportion of land use types in the study area from 2000 to 2020
土地利用类型 年份 面积 斑块数 景观 景观 景观 景观 景观 景观
/km2 /个 破碎度 分离度 优势度 干扰度 脆弱度 损失度
耕地 1980年 21 416 2 086 0.001 0 0.041 3 0.152 4 0.028 2 0.190 5 0.005 4
2000年 21 101 2 093 0.001 0 0.042 0 0.151 3 0.028 3 0.190 5 0.005 4
2020年 20 838 2 114 0.001 0 0.042 7 0.147 2 0.028 1 0.190 5 0.005 4
林地 1980年 6 397 1 478 0.002 3 0.116 3 0.064 0 0.042 7 0.095 2 0.004 1
2000年 6 484 1 497 0.002 3 0.115 5 0.065 1 0.042 5 0.095 2 0.004 0
2020年 7 452 1 922 0.002 6 0.113 8 0.076 3 0.043 3 0.095 2 0.004 1
草地 1980年 82 668 1 873 0.000 2 0.010 1 0.454 5 0.048 6 0.142 9 0.006 9
2000年 82 468 1 835 0.000 2 0.010 1 0.453 0 0.048 4 0.142 9 0.006 9
2020年 80 757 1 912 0.000 2 0.010 5 0.443 2 0.047 6 0.142 9 0.006 8
水域 1980年 4 133 1 450 0.003 5 0.178 3 0.052 1 0.060 8 0.238 1 0.014 5
2000年 3 749 1 377 0.003 7 0.191 5 0.048 8 0.064 5 0.238 1 0.015 4
2020年 3 750 1 367 0.003 6 0.190 8 0.046 5 0.064 1 0.238 1 0.015 3
建设用地 1980年 3 713 2 287 0.006 2 0.249 2 0.068 1 0.063 0 0.047 6 0.004 1
2000年 3 963 2 334 0.005 9 0.235 9 0.070 7 0.081 4 0.047 6 0.003 9
2020年 5 785 2 677 0.004 6 0.173 1 0.083 2 0.085 3 0.047 6 0.003 0
未利用地 1980年 31 427 2 384 0.000 8 0.030 1 0.209 0 0.030 4 0.285 7 0.008 7
2000年 31 989 2 337 0.000 7 0.029 2 0.211 1 0.030 3 0.285 7 0.008 7
2020年 31 172 2 343 0.000 8 0.030 0 0.203 6 0.029 8 0.285 7 0.008 5
Tab.4  Landscape pattern index table of Inner Mongolia Yellow River basin
风险等级 1980年 2000年 2020年
低风险区 78 300 46.71 78 750 46.98 84 150 50.20
较低风险区 58 500 34.90 58 500 34.90 61 650 36.78
中风险区 22 725 13.56 22 500 13.42 15 075 8.99
较高风险区 2 250 1.34 2 250 1.34 1 800 1.07
高风险区 5 850 3.49 5 625 3.36 4 950 2.95
Tab.5  Area and proportion of each ecological risk level in the study area
Fig.4  Ecological risk grade distribution of the study area from 1980 to 2020
风险等级 低风险区 较低风险区 中风险区 较高风险区 高风险区
面积/km2 比例/% 面积/km2 比例/% 面积/km2 比例/% 面积/km2 比例/% 面积/km2 比例/%
低风险区 76 275 97.4 2 025 2.6 0 0 0 0 0 0
较低风险区 2 475 4.2 55 575 95.0 450 0.8 0 0 0 0
中风险区 0 0 450 2.0 21 825 98.0 0 0 0 0
较高风险区 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 250 100 0 0
高风险区 0 0 0 0 225 3.8 0 0 5 625 96.2
Tab.6  Transfer area and proportion of each ecological risk level from 1980 to 2000
风险等级 低风险区 较低风险区 中风险区 较高风险区 高风险区
面积/km2 比例/% 面积/km2 比例/% 面积/km2 比例/% 面积/km2 比例/% 面积/km2 比例/%
低风险区 73 125 92.9 5 625 7.1 0 0 0 0 0 0
较低风险区 10 575 18.1 45 450 77.7 2 475 4.2 0 0 0 0
中风险区 450 2 9 225 41 11 700 52 225 1 900 4
较高风险区 0 0 675 30 450 20 675 30 450 20
高风险区 0 0 675 12 450 8 900 16 3 600 64
Tab.7  Transfer area and proportion of each ecological risk level from 2000 to 2020
Fig.5  Annual precipitation of each ecological risk grade change area in the study area from 1980 to 2020 (degraded area +100 mm, improved area +200 mm)
Fig.6  Annual precipitation of each ecological risk grade change area in the study area from 1980 to 2020 (degraded area + 10 ℃, improved area + 20 ℃)
Fig.7  Statistics of various types of land use area in the study area in 2018 and 2020
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