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Remote Sensing for Natural Resources    2023, Vol. 35 Issue (3) : 292-301     DOI: 10.6046/zrzyyg.2022190
Application of the time-series InSAR technology in the identification of geological hazards in the Pearl River Delta region
JIANG Decai1,2,3(), ZHENG Xiangxiang2,3,4, WANG Ning3, XIAO Chunlei3(), ZHU Zhenzhou3
1. Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Lanzhou 730000,China
2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China
3. China Aero Geophysical Survey and Remote Sensing Center for Natural Resources,Beijing 100083,China
4. Aerospace Information Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100094,China
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In the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region, widespread surface water and vegetation are liable to cause interferometric synthetic aperture Radar (InSAR) interference decoherence, and the cloudy, foggy, rainy, and humid climates frequently cause severe atmospheric delay noise in InSAR data. Accordingly, targeting the Longgang District of Shenzhen City in the southeastern PRD, this study generated the connection graph of interference image pairs using the small baseline subset and InSAR (SBAS InSAR) technique based on interference coherence optimization. This study also obtained the surface deformation information of Longgang District from September 2019 to November 2020 based on 35 scenes of Sentinel-1A images. It then compared the surface deformation information with the inversion results obtained using the persistent scatterer InSAR (PS InSAR) technique. Finally, this study deduced the causes of surface deformation. The results are as follows: ① The inversion results of SBAS InSAR and PS InSAR yielded almost the same surface deformation fields. SBAS InSAR exhibited a much higher coherent point density than PS InSAR in the region with high-amplitude deformation. This indicates that the SBAS InSAR based on the optimal interference coherence can yield accurate and reliable inversion results, enjoying more advantages in the inversion for a complete deformation field. ② The primary causes of surface deformation in Longgang District and its surrounding areas include unstable Karst collapse or slope triggered by continuous heavy rainfall, the changes in the underground hydrogeological environment caused by industrial mining and drainage, the subsidence of mining gob induced by underground construction, and static foundation load imposed by new high-rise buildings. The technical route of this study can provide a reference for the automation and engineering application of InSAR in the early identification of geological hazards in the PRD region.

Keywords interference coherence optimization      Pearl River Delta      Longgang District      InSAR     
ZTFLH:  TP237  
Issue Date: 19 September 2023
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Xiangxiang ZHENG
Chunlei XIAO
Zhenzhou ZHU
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Decai JIANG,Xiangxiang ZHENG,Ning WANG, et al. Application of the time-series InSAR technology in the identification of geological hazards in the Pearl River Delta region[J]. Remote Sensing for Natural Resources, 2023, 35(3): 292-301.
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Fig.1  Geographical location of the study area
ID 成像日期 天气状况 ID 成像日期 天气状况 ID 成像日期 天气状况
1 20190905 大雨转雷阵雨 13 20200127 多云 25 20200713 多云转晴
2 20190917 雷阵雨 14 20200208 多云 26 20200725 阴转多云
3 20190929 15 20200303 多云转小雨 27 20200806 阴转阵雨
4 20191011 晴转多云 16 20200315 多云 28 20200818 中雨转暴雨
5 20191023 多云 17 20200327 多云转雷阵雨 29 20200830 暴雨转多云
6 20191104 18 20200420 阴转多云 30 20200911 小雨转雷阵雨
7 20191116 多云 19 20200502 多云 21 20200923 阴转雷阵雨
8 20191128 多云 20 20200514 多云 32 20201005
9 20191210 21 20200526 大雨转阵雨 33 20201017 多云
10 20191222 多云 22 20200607 暴雨 34 20201029 阴转多云
11 20200103 阴转多云 23 20200619 阴转晴 35 20201110 阴转多云
12 20200115 多云 24 20200701 大雨转雷阵雨
Tab.1  Weather conditions in Longgang District on Sentinel-1A imaging date
Fig.2  Overall technology and method flow
序号 ID1 ID2 相干均值 构连接图 序号 ID1 ID2 相干均值 构连接图 序号 ID1 ID2 相干均值 构连接图
1 12 13 184.15 36 9 13 162.93 71 24 26 158.33
6 5 6 173.33 41 28 29 162.10 76 31 33 157.93
11 11 12 171.34 46 14 18 161.52 81 19 24 157.43
16 10 13 168.49 51 17 19 160.50 86 8 14 156.96
21 16 17 166.98 56 7 13 159.51 91 10 15 156.21
26 29 30 165.00 61 10 16 159.00 96 6 10 155.59
31 10 14 164.06 66 6 11 158.71 101 6 12 155.01
Tab.2  Average values of ROI coherence graph arranged in descending order
序号 去平干涉图 序号 去平干涉图 序号 去平干涉图 序号 去平干涉图 序号 去平干涉图
1 21 41 61 81
6 26 46 66 84
11 31 51 71 20190905
16 36 56 76
Tab.3  Flattening interferogram in connection diagram
Fig.3  Connection diagram of the interferogram pairs
Fig.4  SBAS InSAR surface deformation field from September 2019 to November 2020 in the study area
Fig.5  PS InSAR surface deformation field from September 2019 to November 2020 in the study area
序号 位置 经度/(°) 纬度/(°) 形变速率/
1 塘实公司 114.124 22.789 -30.2
2 仙湖山庄 114.168 22.556 -29.7
3 深圳市天地东建
114.282 22.583 -27.5
4 坪山区中心广场 114.344 22.703 -26.2
5 龙岗街道龙园路 114.248 22.724 -31.5
6 大围工业区 114.212 22.711 -21.7
7 红棉四路 114.206 22.672 -20.9
8 腾龙工业区 114.080 22.718 -21.4
9 神力工业园 114.052 22.679 -20.6
Tab.4  Location and deformation rate of subsidence zone
序号 SBAS InSAR PS InSAR Google Earth影像 序号 SBAS InSAR PS InSAR Google Earth影像
1 6
2 7
3 8
4 9
Tab.5  Comparison of inversion results of SBAS and PS InSAR in major subsidence zones with their images
序号 位置 沉降带各沉降漏斗位置 地质岩性和地质灾害易发类型 结构构造
1 塘实公司 横塘工业区南200 m的泥料搅拌厂; 凤凰钓鱼场南边的新建工厂 以砂岩-凝灰质粉砂岩为主,间有细砂岩-页岩 砂状结构-火山、沉积碎屑结构-泥质结构,层状构造
2 仙湖山庄 仙湖山庄别墅区; 宠物浩园北边 以砂质砾-砂-粉砂-泥为主,间有碳质页岩-石英砂岩 泥质结构-砂状结构,层状构造
3 深圳市天地东建混凝土有限公司 深圳市天地东建混凝土有限公司 以砂岩-碳质页岩为主 砂状结构-泥质结构,层状构造
4 坪山区中心广场 燕子岭东北边地铁4号线; 坪山区中心广场; 坪山游泳馆东边的中国石化加油站; 在建地铁16号线深圳开放大学附近 以坪山岩体(花岗岩类)为主,间有砂岩-泥岩 细粒结构-中粒结构-砂状结构-泥质结构,块状构造为主、间有层状构造
5 龙岗街道龙园路 龙岗街道龙园路; 龙城大道与在建的地铁16号线交汇处; 南龙工业园,原为密集的厂房和居民区,2015—2017年拆迁,2018年开始建设施工 以屯洋岩体(花岗岩类)为主,岩溶塌陷地质灾害高易发区 中粒结构-斑状结构,块状构造
6 大围工业区 大围工业区; 中海凯骊酒店,26层高,位于在建的地铁16号线正西方向约200 m; 龙城公园西门的地区,2018年2月—2019年7月为新建厂房,占地面积约为3 300 m2 地质岩性以砂岩-碳质页岩为主 砂状结构-泥质结构,层状构造
7 红棉四路 位于在建的地铁14号线 以石灰岩-砂岩为主,间有碳质页岩,崩塌、滑坡地质灾害中易发区 生物碎屑结构-砂状结构-泥质结构,层状构造
8 腾龙工业区 腾龙工业区 以砂岩-凝灰质粉砂岩为主,崩塌、滑坡地质灾害高易发区 砂状结构-火山、沉积碎屑结构,层状构造
9 神力工业园 无明显沉降漏斗,沉降带分布较为广泛,分布有较多工业园,分别为联丰泰工业园、大力神工业园、神力工业园、卓越工业园、胜立工业园、亚洲工业园等 以吕山顶岩体、茜坑岩体为主,间有白芒岩体、砂岩-凝灰质粉砂岩 砂状结构-火山、沉积碎屑结构-中粒结构-斑状结构,块状构造
Tab.6  Location distribution, geology, lithology and structure of sedimentation funnel in each subsidence zone
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